
Exploring the Mouse Brain through Single Cell Expression Profiles

The mammalian brain is composed of a vast (and unknown) number of specialized cell types whose complex interactions underlie behavior. To better appreciate these cellular specializations — and the genes that cells of diverse types use to perform their jobs — we used Drop-seq to analyze 690,000 individual cells from nine different regions of the adult mouse brain. We identified 1.45 billion RNA transcripts among these cells, then used the cells' patterns of RNA expression to classify them into transcriptionally distinct groups of cells (clusters and subclusters). Most of these clusters and subclusters correspond to discrete cell types; some to dynamic cell states; and many, we expect, to aspects of cell biology that remain to be discovered.

Explore Cell Types

The expression profile for each cell was grouped into clusters and sub-clusters through a semi-automated process and the results were projected onto 2-D t-SNE plots to visually approximate the expression relationships amongst individual cells. Gene expression levels of query genes can be overlayed on any subset of data.

Example: The relative expression profile of Sepp1 among sub-types of oligodendrocytes in frontal cortex and hippocampus

Compare and Discover Genes

The relative pairwise gene expression between cell types within a region or across different regions can be quickly computed for 10,000s of genes and ranked to identify distinguishing marker genes. Additional user selected genes can be added to the comparison set.

Example: The set of genes overexpressed at least five-fold in Oligodendrocytes versus Polydendrocytes within the Entopeduncular.

Search By Gene

Enter one or more genes of interest to immediately see the relative gene expression across 262 cell types.

Example: The twenty cell types with the highest expression of S100a6 across all brain regions.

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Drop-seq is a technology we developed for highly parallel analysis of RNA expression in thousands of individual cells. Drop-seq works by encapsulating individual cells into vast numbers of nanoliter-sized droplets, together with DNA-barcoded beads that uniquely identify the droplets. We described Drop-seq in a paper in 2015, and subsequent commercial technologies have been built on this approach. We have made Drop-seq open-source, and hundreds of labs have adopted it; detailed protocols and software are available on the Drop-seq web site.


The mammalian brain is composed of diverse, specialized cell populations. To systematically ascertain and learn from these cellular specializations, we used Drop-seq to profile RNA expression in 690,000 individual cells sampled from 9 regions of the adult mouse brain. We identified 565 transcriptionally distinct groups of cells using computational approaches developed to distinguish biological from technical signals. Cross-region analysis of these 565 cell populations revealed features of brain organization, including a gene-expression module for synthesizing axonal and presynaptic components, patterns in the co-deployment of voltage-gated ion channels, functional distinctions among the cells of the vasculature and specialization of glutamatergic neurons across cortical regions. Systematic neuronal classifications for two complex basal ganglia nuclei and the striatum revealed a rare population of spiny projection neurons. This adult mouse brain cell atlas, accessible through interactive online software (DropViz), serves as a reference for development, disease, and evolution.


Saunders A*, Macosko E.Z*, Wysoker A, Goldman M, Krienen, F, de Rivera H, Bien E, Baum M, Wang S, Bortolin L, Goeva A, Nemesh J, Kamitaki N, Brumbaugh S, Kulp D and McCarroll, S.A. 2018. Molecular Diversity and Specializations among the Cells of the Adult Mouse Brain. 2018. Cell. 174(4) P1015-1030.E16 (DOI)

Funding and Support

This research was performed in the McCarroll and Macosko Labs at Harvard Medical School and the Broad Institute's Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research.

Stanley Center Harvard Medical School


Configuration Panels


The configuration panel allows for filtering, comparisons and display adjustments. The Query panel accepts entry of one or more gene symbols. If entered, then the plots on the right will display the expression with respect to the entered genes. The panel provides auto-complete for a large set of commonly used genes, but other named genes can also be entered.

In addition to gene entry, the Query panel allows filtering of the dataset to focus on a subset of the regions, classes, clusters or subclusters. For example, you can limit your search to only "Hippocampus" or to only "Neurons" or to a specific named cluster or subcluster. Choose the t-SNE display on the right to easily visualize what data matches your filtering criteria.


The Clusters panel accepts entry of "target" and "comparison" clusters or subclusters (depending on the current plot display). If the meta-group option is enabled, then more than one cluster or subcluster may be combined as the target or comparison. A meta-group sums the expression levels across the chosen clusters or subclusters. Once target and comparisons are selected, then a table is displayed in the bottom right of those genes that are differentially expressed between the two groups. Multiple parameters are provided to modify the classification criteria. Choose the Scatter panel on the right to visualize how parameter changes affect classification.


The Display panel provides parameters for changing some of the plotting parameters. Only parameters that are relevant to the currently displayed plot on the right are available to the user.

Compare Clusters

Compare Subclusters

Differential Expression Criteria

Level Plot Settings

Heat Map Settings

Gene Search Settings

Cell Expression Settings

t-SNE Plot Settings

Scatter Plot Settings


(Common names are interpretive best guesses)

Cluster Levels

The plot displays the relative expression of the selected gene(s) among clusters. The error bars represent binomially distributed sampling noise given the number of cells in each cluster; it does not represent heterogeneity in expression among cells within the cluster. Only clusters filtered in the Query panel are displayed. The plot is limited to only two entered genes. If more than two genes are chosen, then the display switches to a heatmap-like table.

Cluster Levels (Heatmap Table)

The table displays the relative expression of the selected gene(s) in all clusters using a shaded dot. Darker dots represent higher gene expression. Only clusters filtered in the ',b('Query'),'panel are displayed. Mouseover dots to display numeric values or choose the download icon to retrieve the full table data in R. The table is displayed when more than two genes are chosen.

Help for t-SNE plot of clusters in global region space.

Each point represents a single cell. Each cell is associated with a gene expression vector. This high-dimensional data is reduced using a set of automated independent components and projected onto two dimensions using t-SNE ('global space', i.e. representing all cells from a brain region/tissue). The cluster classifications are derived from Louvain clustering of the ICs.

Points are generally sub-sampled to improve display and speed rendering. Sampling can be controlled using the Display panel on the left. 'Bag' plots show the distribution of all points similar to a one-dimensional box plot. The darker region represents 50% of cells. The lighter region represents all points except outliers.

Clusters are highlighted in different colors based on the filtering choices in the Query section in the left panel. Labels and other display features can be customized in the Display panel

If a row in the differentially expressed genes table, below, or one or more genes are entered by name in the Query panel to the left, then the selected genes' expression levels will be displayed in black (one row of t-SNE plots per gene) and the mean expression level for that gene in the subcluster is displayed by a color gradient or transparency, depending on settings.

Cluster scatter plot

Each point is the mean log normalized transcript count among all cells in the target and comparison clusters (or region). Large points meet the fold ratio and transcript amount criteria in the Clusters panel. Points are shaded according to their significance. Selected rows in the table of differentially expressed genes are displayed in green or red depending on whether they pass the criteria.

Filtered Table of Clusters

The table displays all matching clusters based on the filtering parameters set in the ',b('Query') panel on the left. Other plots and display outputs are limited to the clusters listed here.

Differentially expressed genes in clusters

Select a 'target' cluster in the left Clusters panel to display those genes that are over-expressed in that cluster with respect to the remaining cells in the region or a chosen comparison cluster. Adjust filter criteria using the Clusters panel.

Any manually added genes are always displayed in the table and colored green if the expression criteria is met and colored red otherwise.

One or more rows can be selected to display gene expression in the t-SNE and scatter plots.

Subcluster Levels

The plot displays the relative expression of the selected gene(s) among subclusters. The error bars represent binomially distributed sampling noise given the number of cells in each subcluster; it does not represent heterogeneity in expression among cells within the subcluster. Only subclusters filtered in the Query panel are displayed. The plot is limited to only two entered genes. If more than two genes are chosen, then the display switches to a heatmap-like table.

Subluster Levels (Heatmap Table)

The table displays the relative expression of the selected gene(s) in all subclusters using a shaded dot. Darker dots represent higher gene expression. Only subclusters filtered in the Query panel are displayed. Mouseover dots to display numeric values or choose the download icon to retrieve the full table data in R. The table is displayed when more than two genes are chosen.

Help for t-SNE plot of subclusters in global region space.

This plot is like the t-SNE plot of clusters in global region space, but displays the subcluster labels for each cell.

Help for t-SNE plot of subclusters in local cluster space.

Each point represents a single cell. Each cell is associated with a gene expression vector. This high-dimensional data within a cluster is reduced using a set of curated independent components and projected onto two dimensions using t-SNE ('local cluster space'). The subcluster classifications are derived from Louvain clustering using a subset of the ICs.

Subcluster regions are highlighted in different colors based on the filtering choices in the Query section in the left panel. All points in the corresponding cluster are displayed with points outside of the chosen subcluster(s) shown in gray and all points in the chosen subclusters displayed in color. (There is no subsampling for subcluster displays.)

If a row in the differentially expressed genes table, below, or one or more genes are entered by name in the Query panel to the left, then the selected genes' expression levels will be displayed in black (one row of t-SNE plots per gene) and the mean expression level for that gene in the subcluster is displayed by a color gradient or transparency, depending on settings.

Labels and other display features can be customized in the Display panel

Subcluster scatter plot

Each point is the mean log normalized transcript count among all cells in the target and comparison subclusters (or region). Large points meet the fold ratio and transcript amount criteria in the Clusters panel. Points are shaded according to their significance. Selected rows in the table of differentially expressed genes are displayed in green or red depending on whether they pass the criteria.

Filtered Table of Subclusters

The table displays all matching subclusters based on the filtering parameters set in the ',b('Query') panel on the left. Other plots and display outputs are limited to the subclusters listed here.

Differentially expressed genes in subclusters

Select a 'target' subcluster in the left Clusters panel to display those genes that are over-expressed in that subcluster with respect to the remaining cells in the region or a chosen comparison subcluster. Adjust filter criteria using the Clusters panel.

Any manually added genes are always displayed in the table and colored green if the expression criteria is met and colored red otherwise.

One or more rows can be selected to display gene expression in the t-SNE and scatter plots, above.

DropViz Team

  • Arpiar Saunders

    Postdoctoral Fellow

    Psychiatric illness and neural circuits

    Arpiar Saunders

    Postdoctoral Fellow

  • Evan Macosko

    Assistant Professor, Broad Institute

    Lab website

    Evan Macosko

    Assistant Professor, Broad Institute

  • Steve McCarroll

    Professor, Harvard

    Lab website

    Steve McCarroll

    Professor, Harvard

  • Laura Bortolin

    Research Associate


    Single-cell analysis technology

    Laura Bortolin

    Research Associate

  • Fenna Krienen

    Postdoctoral Fellow


    Primate brain transcriptomics, development, evolution

    Fenna Krienen

    Postdoctoral Fellow

  • James Nemesh

    Computational Biologist

    Data Janitor

    James Nemesh

    Computational Biologist

  • Matthew Baum

    Graduate student, Neurobiology

    Complement inhibitors in psychiatric illness

    Matthew Baum

    Graduate student, Neurobiology

  • Elizabeth Bien

    Scientific Staff

    Single-cell analysis technology

    Elizabeth Bien

    Scientific Staff

  • Melissa Goldman

    Scientific Staff

    Single-cell analysis technology

    Melissa Goldman

    Scientific Staff

  • Sara Brumbaugh

    App Designer

    Sara Brumbaugh

    App Designer

  • Nolan Kamitaki

    Computational Biologist

    Math, genomics, and biology

    Nolan Kamitaki

    Computational Biologist

  • Alec Wysoker

    Software Engineer

    Single-cell computational analysis

    Alec Wysoker

    Software Engineer

  • David Kulp

    Data Scientist

    DropViz app developer

Data Downloads


Gene expression profiles of the 565 transcriptionally distinct cell populations identified across nine regions in the adult mouse brain. Each column is a "metacell." There is one metacell for every subcluster, which contains the aggregate UMI counts for all the single-cells that belong to that subcluster.

CSV: metacells.BrainCellAtlas_Saunders_version_2018.04.01.csv (40M)

R Data: metacells.BrainCellAtlas_Saunders_version_2018.04.01.rds (15M)


Annotation file for the 565 atlas cell populations. Provides the tissue of origin, cell class, formal markers, formal full name and common name (anatomical best guess) for each metacell.

CSV: annotation.BrainCellAtlas_Saunders_version_2018.04.01.csv (54K)

Excel: annotation.BrainCellAtlas_Saunders_version_2018.04.01.xlsx (83K)

R Data: annotation.BrainCellAtlas_Saunders_version_2018.04.01.rds (12K)

Single Cell Suspension Protocol from Acute Adult Brain


Instruction for loading DGE files

To access the data in .raw.dge.txt.gz files:

  • Download the private R package of DropSeq library functions: DropSeq.util_2.0.tar.gz
  • Install the R package:
    install.packages('/insert_path_to/DropSeq.util_2.0.tar.gz', repos=NULL)
  • Load the library:
  • Use the loadSparseDge function. DGE will be of class "dgTMatrix"
     dge.path <- "/insert_path_to/the_raw.dge.txt.gz_file"
    dge <- loadSparseDge(dge.path)

DGE By Region
RegionDGECluster AssignmentSubcluster AssignmentOutcomes
Cerebellum F_GRCm38.81.P60Cerebellum_ALT.raw.dge.txt.gz (81 MB) F_GRCm38.81.P60Cerebellum_ALT.cluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60Cerebellum_ALT.subcluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60Cerebellum_ALT.cell_cluster_outcomes.RDS
Entopeduncular F_GRCm38.81.P60EntoPeduncular.raw.dge.txt.gz (54 MB) F_GRCm38.81.P60EntoPeduncular.cluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60EntoPeduncular.subcluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60EntoPeduncular.cell_cluster_outcomes.RDS
Frontal Cortex F_GRCm38.81.P60Cortex_noRep5_FRONTALonly.raw.dge.txt.gz (587 MB) F_GRCm38.81.P60Cortex_noRep5_FRONTALonly.cluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60Cortex_noRep5_FRONTALonly.subcluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60Cortex_noRep5_FRONTALonly.cell_cluster_outcomes.RDS
Globus Pallidus F_GRCm38.81.P60GlobusPallidus.raw.dge.txt.gz (190 MB) F_GRCm38.81.P60GlobusPallidus.cluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60GlobusPallidus.subcluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60GlobusPallidus.cell_cluster_outcomes.RDS
Hippocampus F_GRCm38.81.P60Hippocampus.raw.dge.txt.gz (424 MB) F_GRCm38.81.P60Hippocampus.cluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60Hippocampus.subcluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60Hippocampus.cell_cluster_outcomes.RDS
Posterior Cortex F_GRCm38.81.P60Cortex_noRep5_POSTERIORonly.raw.dge.txt.gz (346 MB) F_GRCm38.81.P60Cortex_noRep5_POSTERIORonly.cluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60Cortex_noRep5_POSTERIORonly.subcluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60Cortex_noRep5_POSTERIORonly.cell_cluster_outcomes.RDS
Striatum F_GRCm38.81.P60Striatum.raw.dge.txt.gz (270 MB) F_GRCm38.81.P60Striatum.cluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60Striatum.subcluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60Striatum.cell_cluster_outcomes.RDS
Substantia Nigra F_GRCm38.81.P60SubstantiaNigra.raw.dge.txt.gz (127 MB) F_GRCm38.81.P60SubstantiaNigra.cluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60SubstantiaNigra.subcluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60SubstantiaNigra.cell_cluster_outcomes.RDS
Thalamus F_GRCm38.81.P60Thalamus.raw.dge.txt.gz (260 MB) F_GRCm38.81.P60Thalamus.cluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60Thalamus.subcluster.assign.RDS F_GRCm38.81.P60Thalamus.cell_cluster_outcomes.RDS
DGE By Class
ClassDGESubcluster AssignmentOutcomes
Astrocytes H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Astrocytes_9-13-17.raw.dge.txt.gz H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Astrocytes_9-13-17.subcluster.assign.RDS H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Astrocytes_9-13-17.cell_cluster_outcomes.RDS
Endothelial H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Endothelial_5-3-17.raw.dge.txt.gz H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Endothelial_5-3-17.subcluster.assign.RDS H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Endothelial_5-3-17.cell_cluster_outcomes.RDS
Fibroblast-Like H_1stRound_CrossTissue_FibroblastLike_5-3-17.raw.dge.txt.gz H_1stRound_CrossTissue_FibroblastLike_5-3-17.subcluster.assign.RDS H_1stRound_CrossTissue_FibroblastLike_5-3-17.cell_cluster_outcomes.RDS
Microglia / Macrophage H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Microglia_Macrophage_5-3-17.raw.dge.txt.gz H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Microglia_Macrophage_5-3-17.subcluster.assign.RDS H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Microglia_Macrophage_5-3-17.cell_cluster_outcomes.RDS
Mural H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Mural_5-3-17.raw.dge.txt.gz H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Mural_5-3-17.subcluster.assign.RDS H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Mural_5-3-17.cell_cluster_outcomes.RDS
Oligodendrocytes H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Oligodendrocytes_5-3-17.raw.dge.txt.gz H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Oligodendrocytes_5-3-17.subcluster.assign.RDS H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Oligodendrocytes_5-3-17.cell_cluster_outcomes.RDS
Polydendrocytes H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Polydendrocytes_5-3-17.raw.dge.txt.gz H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Polydendrocytes_5-3-17.subcluster.assign.RDS H_1stRound_CrossTissue_Polydendrocytes_5-3-17.cell_cluster_outcomes.RDS

Video Tutorials


We welcome any comments, bug reports, and feature requests. Please send all feedback to mouse.dropviz@gmail.com .